Children Bilingual Books

Why Second Language Learning Is Important

Why Second Language Learning Is Important It is unfortunate that ESL and second language classes are often the first programs deemphasized whenever school districts tighten their budgets. Studies show, however, that second-language learning not only strengthens a student’s linguistic abilities but also builds a child’s cognitive and creative abilities as well. Martha Abbott is a […]

Our Author’s Story

Our Author’s Story A Story of Determination Our lead author and book designer at Children Bilingual Books is Denise Bourgeois, originally from a small township 40 minutes west of Montreal. She was raised bilingual, attending French schools before transferring to an English bilingual high school. Her childhood was tough, but she said she never knew […]

Library Ideas VOX Books

Ordering Dual-text Children’s Books for Your Public or School Library through Library Ideas New to Library Ideas? Library Ideas is a global media company that designs and builds their own innovative products. One such product is their VOX talking books which are hardback books with an attached audio device that narrates the book as the […]

A Ukrainian’s Story

A Ukrainian’s Story Behind the Translation When a person translates eleven of your books, you really get to know them. Of the dozens of translators, we’ve worked with over the years, each brought their own unique talent and perspective to the work. From Bangkok to Rio, Singapore to Kabul, our translators touch every corner of […]

The Story Behind The Art

The Story Behind The Art The Story Behind the Art Thousands of children’s books are written, illustrated, and published every year in the U.S. Professional and amateur writers collaborate with illustrators to produce books in all shapes and sizes. Finding a talented illustrator is not hard to do. There are many gifted artists looking for […]

Diversity Brings People Together

Diversity Brings People Together Right. So, I climb on the bus the other day, one that would carry me to my place of servitude, otherwise known as “work.” I quickly take a seat in the back of the bus, only to abandon it minutes later to a pregnant womon speaking a SE Asian dialect that […]

Welcome Texas School Districts

Advance Books welcomes all Texas School Districts participating in cooperative book purchasing. Children Bilingual Books now has nine cooperative contracts servicing a vast majority of with school districts across the good state of Texas. The 11-volume Sophia and Alex dual-text series is designed to supplement public and private school early learning curriculums with emphasis on […]

The Road to Language Equality Begins with our Children

We have seen our share of protesters taking to the streets in 2020. As a nation, we are not shy to publicly advocate for human rights, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, women rights, immigrant rights, and even animal rights, but we’ve yet to see anyone picketing for language rights. On the surface, language appears to be […]

Teach Through Story Telling

Teach Through Story Telling Early childhood educators know the key to preparing preschoolers for kindergarten is two-fold. First, hire capable teachers who care for their student and have a love for teaching. Second, give these teachers the tools needed to teach their children. The California Department of Education states that four-year-olds, in particular, have specific […]

Publishing Dual-Text Books

Publishing Dual-Text Books Why Libraries and Schools Do Not Carry More Dual-text Books For anyone learning to read a second language, the first question often asked is “Why don’t they just make books in dual-text, so I can see the meaning of the word in my own language without looking up every other word.” Make […]